"That is why we never give up. Though our bodies our dying, our spirits are being renewed everyday. For our present troubles our small and wont last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!"
-2 Corinthians 4: 16-17

"Even when i walk through the darkest valleys,
i will not be afraid,
for you are close beside me, 
your rod and your staff
protect and comfort me."
-Psalm 23: 4

5 years ago my precious little girl passed away. Fiona was my childhood and she will always have a special part in my life. She will always matter to me even though she isn't around anymore. Today I was looking at the little box we have in our house with her picture and on the top it says 2003-2013 inside is her ashes just seeing that box reminded me of all the pain I pushed aside and it all just came flooding back and I thought all I could do was cry and hope for things to get better, But that wasn't true. Crying wouldn't get me anywhere it was just a way i used to express the pain I felt. In that moment I got out my bible and I read those verses above and I worshiped God because thinking about death just reminded me of how God demonstrated his love for all of us. A lot of the times we just ignore that because were so used to hearing that so its just common knowledge to us and we do nothing with it. But we shouldn't. If Jesus was sent to earth for the only purpose of taking the punishment that we deserve for us, Why is that something we choose to ignore. Through Fiona's death, I got a reminder of Gods great love for me. I may not be over her but I got a reminder that I have a father in Heaven that Loves me

Here is my sidekick and best friend Fiona 


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